An inspirational message from Rabbi Chaim Mintz on Rosh Hashana. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year!
Would you like to hear a riddle? Did your interest just perk up when you read that question? There’s something about riddles that catch our attention. There must be something […]
How much access, if any, should the NSA have to your communication records? That’s a hotly debated topic these days. At the root of that question lies the unavoidable conflict […]
The group set out one cool summer morning, looking forward to the challenge ahead. The four friends had grown up together in a small town on the edge of the […]
This week’s Torah portion, Ve’etchanan, continues Moshe’s review of the events and commandments in the Torah. He recalls the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt and gives prophecy about a […]
Rabbi Chaim Mintz offers a short message on Tisha Bav and how we can bring the redemption
Enjoy a short thought by Rabbi Chaim Mintz on the Fast of The Seventeenth of Tammuz.
Enjoy some feedback and a short thought on the TorahMates retreat A special video from the Oorah kids to thank all the supporters and coordinators of our programs: Thank you Zone Staff Thank you Chillers and Head Chillers Thank you […]
Bake these quick and easy hamantaschen for a classic Purim treat! Ingredients: 4 sticks margarine 1 c sugar 4 egg yolks 4 ½ c flour 1 1/2 tsp baking powder ½ […]