Aside from the pretty and delicious effect of the fruity centers, these moist, honey-flavored muffins lend themselves perfectly to the upcoming Yomim Tovim! Muffins 1 and 3/4 cups flour (I used […]
Easy and delicious healthy roasted vegetables Main ingredients 1 sweet potato, cubed very small 1/2 head broccoli, cut into small florets 1/2 head cauliflower, cut into small florets 1/4 head of purple cabbage, cut […]
Listen to your favorite Shabbos tunes recorded by Oorah’s summer camp TheZone!
It’s up to you. This week’s Torah reading describes at length the terrible suffering which will befall upon the Jewish nation should they not conduct themselves appropriately. God warns His […]
Try your hand at this spiced-up classic Recipe from Ingredients 1 cup (125 grams) all-purpose flour 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon (15 grams) Dijon Mustard 1 teaspoon smoked paprika, Sweet Paprika […]
The Torah view on how to deal with other people’s property In this week’s Torah reading (22:1-3) we have the Mitzvah (commandment) of Hashavas Aveidah. One who finds a lost […]
1. I once overheard a man telling over the following true story: He was driving in some hick town and was pulled over by a cop for speeding. This police […]
Enjoy the last licks of summer while you still can! Ice Cream 6 egg whites (pasteurized) 1/2 cup sugar 2 (10-ounce) cartons whip cream or 20 ounces Whipped Topping Crunch 1 1/2 pound baking chocolate […]
How the Torah is the Life-blood of our People This week’s Torah reading discusses the laws regarding a Jewish King. One of the requirements of a king is that he […]