This recipe, perfect for the Nine Days before Tisha B’Av when we don’t eat meat, comes from Oorah’s talented creative marketer, Mrs. Barker.


5 large Spanish onions, halved and sliced
3 Tbsp. mild olive oil
2 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. flour
1/2 cup white cooking wine
4 cups vegetable stock (or water)
salt and pepper


2 Tbsp. shredded mozzarella cheese
Toasted bread/croutons

Saute onions in oil for about half an hour, stirring often, on medium flame until browned. Add butter, stir until melted. Sprinkle in flour until absorbed and makes a paste. Pour in white wine, stir until incorporated. Pour in stock or water, bring to boil and then lower to a simmer for about 20 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.

Ladle soup over shredded cheese in bowl, top with croutons.

Yield: about 4 servings

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  • s shlezinger

    This is not the only place where I’ve seen this mistake being made. I don’t think that cooking with wine is permissible during the 9 Days.

  • H Stone

    Who wants hot soup? We do here in Australia and nearby NZ as its winter, just the time for this soup and thanks for the French Onion soup recipe, as we will be having nine very cold days.

  • Henna

    This soup recipie is yummy looking! We like that kind of soup around here. I just want to mention something my husband told me he learned about the 9 days. He saw in his sefarim that we shouldn’t be having food with wine or grape juice in the ingredients. So unless you are having it for shabbos, either make the soup without wine, or save it for after the fast maybe?
    I like this website, it’s so freindly! and i look forward to seeing more. Good Shabbos, -hms

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