The eight part in our ongoing series on shemiras halashon by Mrs. Tova Younger.

Another concept that serves as a deterrent to speaking lashon hara (prohibited slanderous speech) is some self-protection. Hashem is willing to overlook our transgressions, giving us time to do teshuva (repent). I heard from Rabbi Mendel Kessin that Hashem established a system whereby He is forced (so to speak) to “bring us into court” and check into our behavior when we speak lashon hara, since the running of the world is based on middah k’neged middah (measure for measure, retributive justice). We are dealt with in the same manner as we deal with others. When we begin to denigrate someone, our behavior is scrutinized. Think of how much punishment is brought into the world by our seemingly idle chit-chat. No wonder we’re exhausted, as our souls are being brought to court countless times throughout the day.

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