The final post in our series on shmiras halashon by Mrs. Tova Younger. Thanks for following along!

Never forget that Hashem is watching us, providing us with our every need. When we intensify our trust in Him, we will be able to withstand the temptation to resort to using lashon hara (prohibited speech) to accomplish anything at all. Reading and sharing the many beautiful stories that substantiate Hashem’s great kindness with surely strengthen us. Just keep your eyes and ears open and you’ll see they happen, even to you!

Tova Younger moved to Israel with her family nearly ten years ago, where she became a writer. Her book, Hands-on How-to’s for the Home and Heart, is a collection of tips and techniques to enhance your life, spiritually and practically, and includes over 50 easy recipes! You can purchase it at For more information email

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