The main story of this week’s Torah portion is the SPLITTING of the Red Sea. The Sages tell us that G-d wanted the entire world to witness this great miracle. So what did He do? He made an additional miracle that at the moment of the splitting of the sea, all the liquids in the world split in half. For example, if someone was drinking a hot bowl of pea soup, it turned into SPLIT PEA SOUP. If someone was licking a banana, it turned into a BANANA SPLIT. This caused all the people of the world to talk about the great miracle that G-d did for the Jewish people.

When the Egyptians say that the Red Sea split for the Jewish people, they were sure that it would split for them as well. They all went charging into the Red Sea, only to have the water come crashing down on their heads. Thousands of gallons of water falling on your head can be very painful. But this was not just an ordinary headache. It was a SPLITTING HEADACHE!

by Yankel Moskowitz

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