In Parshas Toldos, Esav (Esau) sells the rights of the firstborn to Yaakov (Jacob) for a bowl of lentils. (More on this here.) This gave rise to a tradition to serve lentil soup the Shabbos that this Torah portion is read. This recipe is one of the quickest to prepare and healthiest soups you can make.


2 cups brown lentils or 1 cup pink lentils
1 cup shredded zucchini
6-8 cups of water
Optional: 1/2 cup shredded sweet potato
Optional if using brown lentils: 1 cup tomato sauce and vegetables, such as onions, peppers, or eggplant

Pink lentils require about 45 minutes cooking time; brown lentils about 90 minutes. And a surprise awaits you when preparing this soup the first time: it will turn a lovely shade of green! It’s a thick soup and delectable with cheese (if not serving as part of meat meal.)

Tova Younger moved to Israel with her family nearly ten years ago, where she became a writer. Her book, Hands-on How-to’s for the Home and Heart is a collection of Tips and Techniques to enhance your life, spiritually and practically, and includes over 50 easy recipes! You can purchase it at For more information email

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