Parshas Vayikra begins with discussing various sacrifices which one could bring voluntarily, without a specific circumstance obligating him to do so. Rabbi Ya’akov Yisroel Kanievsky ponders (in Birchas Peretz) why […]
In Parashas Korach, when the Jews complained in the Wilderness, the Torah tells us that an epidemic broke out, and Moshe directed Aharon to offer the special Incense offering (ketores) […]
Parshas Pekudei concludes the description of the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and gives a summary of all the materials used in the project. The Seforno notes that the verse […]
In addition to the usual Torah reading, this week we read Parshas Shkalim, which discusses the Mitzvah (commandment) of Machtzis Hashekel. This Mitzvah was a unique, annual fundraising campaign, which […]
An Oorah Holiday Guide Oorah’s “10 Minute” guides are designed to help you “find your way around” the Yomim Tovim that mark the Jewish year. Our heritage is rich with […]
Purim Jokes and Riddles Why is the Shabbos before Purim called Shabbos Zachor?BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAST THING YOU WILL REMEMBER FOR A LONG TIME! What was Queen Esther’s royal […]
Parshas Ki Sisa contains one of the most difficult episodes in our nation’s history. After we received the Torah at Mount Sinai, Moses ascended to the peak of the mountain […]
In the Torah, we are instructed to build a Temple to God. In the desert, there was a temporary portable Temple called a tabernacle, which was also used for several […]
Get inspiration for Parshat Terumah with TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Chaim Leib Marmorstein, on this week’s Thursday Thought.