The Jewish new year begins on a solemn note with the Days of Awe, as the High Holy Days are called. Still, we inject a little sweetness into our Rosh Hashana with apples dipped in honey and other traditional symbolic foods. In that vein, let’s start off the year with a touch of humor.

1. There was a shul (synagogue) that was looking for a baal tokea, someone to blow the shofar. A man came to try out but did a terrible job. He asked for a second chance but was told, “Sorry, YOU BLEW IT.”

2. A man came home on the first night of Rosh Hashana with a brand new tire. His wife asked him, “What in the world is that about?”

He smiled and explained, “In our family, we have a minhag (custom) to eat tires on the first night of Rosh Hashana as a siman that we should have a GOODYEAR!”

Rabbi Yaakov Moskowitz

Learn more about the shofar, symbolic foods, and other Rosh Hashana traditions with Oorah’s Rosh Hashana guide.

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