• marsha leah glassman

    I was an unaffiliated Jew from birth and followed another religion in my college years. It wasn’t until I was invited to a Friday night Shabbos w/ a family that I turned my life around and began to follow Torah. I felt so connected and accepted for WHO I was and did not feel anybody was trying to change me! They were just themselves and I was inspired by their ways and actions. I never even heard the word Shabbos and if I did I would not have understood what it meant.

    I never forgot that Shabbos as it helped me find my way back home………..back to Yiddishkeit.

  • sherri

    i guess girls and women are not included in “jews of all walks of life, of every age….” not of every gender anyway…or are they in the kitchen getting it all ready for you to sing about how special shabbat is. really offensive how females are completely invisible in your world.

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