Oorah’s Thursday Thought series starts the new Torah cycle with a thought-provoking look at the Torah portion of this week, Parshas Bereishis, featuring Oorah’s TorahMates Coordinator Rabbi Mordechai Beer. Short and to the point, guaranteed to fill your week with inspiration!

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  • Thomas

    When I was younger I study hand tricks with my father. I know how most coin tricks and ribbon tricks work. It does not mean it is not wonderful to see it masterful executed. It is easy to take for granted the world we live in. Our two closes planet neighbors do not have the same active geological beauty.

  • Jonathan

    I believe it is possible to look at the wonders creation giving testimony to Hashem’s greatness and still, by changing perspective, to understand and apply the science of geology to those very same wonders. It is something the the silhouetted picture of the vase. But look at it a little longerand you see two profile faces looking at each other (http://tinyurl.com/l95zcst). It is critical to understand the world as a creation of Hashem. But it is useful to understand the underlying mechanics. Hashem command man to fill the earth and subdue it. Geology is one way to do this.

  • Ralph Kostant

    Rabbi Beer: Is it not also valid from a Torah perspective to view the geological processes remarked upon by that other person as evidence of the awesome power of the Creator, perceived by us as attributes of the divine names of Elokeem and Lal Shadai? Those divine names signify God acting through nature, within the limits imposed by the natural laws that God also created. There is a profound spiritual awareness that one may experience in studying nature with the tools of science, but with a Torah perspective. I hope you are not urging your talmidim to disregard science.

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