• Idalee

    I have a special request and I am not sure if it is do-able. I am grief-stricken over the murders of Gilad, Naftali, and Eyal and heartbroken for the families. Although I do not know them, I would love to know if there is a way you can help me pull together the Jewish communities from around the country to write a Sefer Torah in remembrance of these boys and to let their families know that they will never be forgotten. I would love to see if people would contribute $1./each to this cause until we collect enough dollars to make this happen and then present it to the parents on the yahrzeit of these boys. Can you help me or is this too far-fetched? I spoke with one of the Rabbis from the Dallas Area Torah Association and he wants to think of a strategy to set this up. I am not sure of the cost of a Sefer Torah yet but I know you can’t put a price on the loss of these boys. We have to do something. My Rabbi plans to plant trees in Israel and I will probably do that as well. I want these parents to know that even after shiva, their boys will not be forgotten.

  • yidel

    The computer at our office has the k9 filter which blocks Utube
    is there any other way I can watch the video clips?

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