It’s the new Oscars Award. Would YOU win it?

with Rabbi Louie Friedman of TorahMates

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  • Lori

    It was wonderful seeing you in “person” on the video. I have spoken to you a number of times. I truly loved the message that you gave over. Several years back I sent you a video I prepared with my daughter on a “Chai-er” connection. Now I have written a book to bring the gap between the Ba’alei Teshuva and the Frum world that will hopefully get some “on the fence” secular Jews on board. It;s theme is unity and there are explanations that I hope will resonate with all the Jewish neshamas out there. Love to have you or Penina or both of you at Oorah glance at it and write an endorsement if you like the message. Let me know please if I should send it. Mark sends his regards. Thank you—-Great Job!!!

    • Rabbi Louie Friedman


      Thanks for taking the time to see the video and I thank you extra for taking the time to send me your comments. Please give regards back to Mark, and tell him I look forward to the next we talk!

      I would love to read the book, and I am sure that I would enjoy it very much! But I am not sure that I will be able to give you an endorsement. And certainly I would not be able to give you an endorsement without a thorough reading. Oorah has a lot of procedures to follow before one of us can give an endorsement! But I certainly will try!

  • louie friedman

    I feel part of the tremendous pain and sadness both the daughter in law n mother in law must be having , for such a question to be asked, and I feel very sorry for both of them.But the truth is , the answer to the question is not so important. What is most important, is that the daughter is getting the best advice from a very experienced competent Sholom Bayis Rov to try to help make their relation become more n more tolerable, n hopefully one day even good.And if G-d forbid,nothing seems to work at all, that Rabbi might tell the daughter in law to temporarily stop speaking to her mother in law and keep in touch with the Rabbi for further instructions.

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