In this week’s Torah portion, we will read about Pharaoh’s dream and Yosef’s interpretation. Pharaoh having a dream was a pretty normal thing because Pharaoh lived in a dream world.You see, Pharaoh was convinced that he was a god and convinced the Egyptian people that he was a god. Since a god doesn’t have to attend to his needs, Pharaoh would wake up at the crack of dawn to relieve himself in the Nile River.

Although most Egyptians fell for Pharaoh’s fakery, there was one person in Egypt who was not convinced. This was the Chief Psychologist of Egypt. The psychologist checked Pharaoh out and then announced, “Everybody should know that Pharaoh is not a god, HE IS SIMPLY IN DE-NILE!”

It is interesting to note that this Pharaoh was not the only Egyptian ruler to believe that he was a god. All of the Egyptian rulers believed that they and their wives were gods. Some historians say that the reason that the Egyptians would mummify their rulers was to honor their gods after they died. That reminds me of a joke.

What did Pharaoh call his dead mother?

Anyway, Yosef interpreted Pharaoh’s dream as follows: There would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of hunger. Yosef advised Pharaoh that he not use up all the food during the seven years of plenty. Instead, he should put aside some of the food and save it for the seven years of hunger. That leads us to the following question:

Where did Pharaoh store the food during the seven years of plenty?

by Yankel Moskowitz

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