The great Avraham Fried owned the stage with his outstanding performance of hit song Yesh Tikvah at Oorah’s sixth annual Chanukah concert in Brooklyn College the first night of Chanukah. Over 2,000 Oorah family members crowded the theater for an incredible night of entertainment and inspiration.

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Yesh Tikvah: There is Hope
English Lyrics translated by Rabbi Eli Freidman

Look around, far and near
Where’s the joy, where’s the cheer

Why the fear, why the frown
Why the smile upside down
Shake yourself from the dust
Scrape your soul from the rust
Know that this too shall pass
For in G-d we trust

There is hope
If we sing our hope together
We have faith that is stronger than the terror
No despair, no dismay
Everything will be okay
He is with us night and day

Brother dear
Dry your tears
Take my hand, never fear
Let’s advance, side by side
And let’s cast our fright aside
Don’t forget all the love
That we have from Above

And you’ll see with the dawn
All the pain will be gone

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