A great everyday night supper that is special enough for Shabbos or any occasion. Tip: you can prepare the jam sauce in advance and freeze for later use. Recipe courtesy of Mrs. Devora Homnick, Oorah’s exceptionally talented Art Director.


3 Tbsp. oil
2 large onions, chopped
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup red wine
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 cloves garlic
1 chicken, cut up

Sauté onions and garlic in oil until they are soft and brown, about half an hour. Add vinegar, wine, salt and pepper. Allow the vinegar to cook out for about 5 minutes. (Don’t lean over the pan; the fumes are very strong!) Add brown sugar and stir until sauce thickens.

Spread jam sauce over chicken and bake for 1 1/4 hours uncovered, or, for softer chicken, bake for 1 hour covered and 20 minutes uncovered.

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    • admin

      You can substitute grape juice for the wine but adjust the ratio of wine to balsamic vinegar (less grape juice and more vinegar) or it will be too sweet. The color may change a bit, but otherwise it should still be good.


  • Denise Rootenberg

    I know some people have the minhag not to eat garlic on Pesach but this would be perfect for us and something really different. (Insider’s secret – if you want 5 star food for Pesach, there’s a great place in the Catskills called The Zone.)

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