Women play a tremendous role in Jewish history. The sages teach us that the Jewish people were redeemed from slavery in Egypt only in the merit of the righteous Jewish women[xxxi]. Furthermore, the sages go on to say that we will be redeemed from our current exile, too in the merit of the righteous women[xxxii].

The list of women who made an impact on Jewish history is quite long, from…

·         The four Imahos (matriarchs) who founded the Jewish people alongside the Avos (patriarchs),


  • Yocheved
  • Miriam
  • Basya

…whose combined efforts brought us Moshe Rabbeinu, to the

  • seven prophetesses, including the leader and judge Devorah
  • Queen Esther
  • Yael
  • Yehudis
  • the daughters of Tzilafchad,

and more. On the negative side, sometimes we suffered from less-than-righteous women, who used their capabilities for the bad, including

  • Shimshon’s wife Delilah,
  • Queen Izevel (Jezebel),
  • Queen Asalya (who nearly succeeded in eradicating the Davidic royal family and dynasty)
  • The wife of Potiphar.

More questions about Jewish women in history and beyond? Get your answers.

[xxxi] Sotah 11b

[xxxii] Yalkut Shimoni Rus 606 (according to the understanding of Yalkut M’am Loez Parshas Shoftim “Maalas ha’isha hakshera”

By Rabbi Pinchos Fried

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