This week’s Torah portion tells the story of the Jewish People leaving Egypt. Our sages tell us that on the night of Pesach (Passover), it is not good enough to simply tell over the story of the Exodus. We have to feel as if we are actually leaving Egypt.

Just imagine what is going on. Pharaoh is running around like a madman trying to find out where Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) is. You see, Pharaoh himself was a firstborn and therefore would be personally affected by the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn. Pharaoh is in deep trouble because he is about to die. Not only that, all the firstborn Egyptians are launching a full-scale revolt against Pharaoh, demanding that he let the Jews out of Egypt so that they won’t have to die. They are fuming at Pharaoh and begging for MORSI (pun intended!) So not only may Pharaoh lose his head, he may lose his crown as well! Pharaoh is truly in a ROYAL MESS!

Finally, Pharaoh allows us to leave Egypt. We are thrilled to bits and jumping for joy. YIPPEE, WE ARE FINALLY LEAVING EGYPT!!

THE QUESTION IS: It is easy to understand the excitement upon leaving Egypt on the FIRST night of Pesach. After all, we have just been enslaved for hundreds of years. But why would we be interested in leaving Egypt on the SECOND night of Pesach; we just left the night before?!


(If you’re at all familiar with the Orthodox shidduch system, you probably got that punchline. A brief explanation for those who feel like they’re missing something: Orthodox singles date for the express purpose of finding a marriage partner. Dates are typically suggested by a third party, perhaps a matchmaker or a mutual friend. Common advice given to daters is never to say no to a second date just because the first one was less than ideal. Get it now?)

by Yankel Moskowitz

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